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New Series 9 Food Gauge
The new Series 9 food gauge is the next generation process solution for measuring moisture, fat/oil, protein and many other components that will maximise your process performance and KPI’s.
The Series 9 Food gauge can perform single component measurements e.g moisture or multi component measurements e.g moisture, protein, colour across a wide range of food applications depending on your specific requirements.
Installation of the gauge can be adapted to your sites requirements through the flexible building block architecture.
Returns on your Series 9
The returns on your Series 9 investment will be immediate, with profitability savings through:
- Keeping your product consistent
- Reduced waste
- Prevents over/under cooking
- Reduced overheads
- Specifically designed for 24/7 duty
- Reduced energy consumption
- Automation instantly detects any process changes
- Staff costs
- Continued brand loyalty
- User friendly operation that requires no special operator skills or expert knowledge

Ganley Engineering
New Series 9 Industrial Gauge
Process demands keep changing but our Series 9 on-line industrial gauge is your next generation process optimisation solution for measuring moisture. Optimising moisture control levels greatly improves process efficiency and yield.
Industry applications include: Ceramics and Clay, Building and Construction materials such as concrete/roofing tiles etc, minerals, wood products, fertilisers, detergents such as detergent powders, chemical analysis and much more

At-Line Infralab Analyser: Instant Moisture and Multi-component Analyser
At-line analysis using the Infralab anayser is designed to use anywhere in the process as part of your quality assurance systems. To achieve important industry parameters analysis of moisture, fat/oil, protein and other components must be controlled. Samples taken from the process at-line can be measured in less than 10 seconds and offers minimal sample preparation. The Infralab analyser will allow easy to measure key constituents and valuable data feedback at any stage of the production process.

Industries we can serve
Our gauges allow capabilities during the production and manufacturing process to measure and give instant real-time feedback. This can include multiple data readings that will keep processing consistent at all stages of the production line. From analysing the correct browning in potato chips, measuring moisture and fat content in cereals to analysing key requirements in fruit, the latest technology enables a multitude of different data gathering capabilities, which can be calibrated to meet your specific industries needs.
Ganley Engineerings gauges provide processing analysis in the following industries:
Food Applications include:
Kiwifruit, Avocado, Fruit, Sugar, Coffee,
Snacks, Potato Chips, Rice Crackers,
Confectionary, Chocolate, Cocoa, Tea,
French Fries, Biscuits, Starch, Cereals,
Dairy Products, Cheese, Milk Powders,
Infant Food, Meat, Freeze Dried Products,
Flour, Dried Fruit, Seeds & Nuts,
Breadcrumbs, Health Foods,
Meat Free Consumables and more.
Other Industries We Can Help:
Tobacco and Marijuana Industries
Pet Food and Animal Feed
Building products
Wood Products
Oil extraction
10 Tower Hill
Manly, 0930
New Zealand